Running scientific workflows: public cloud vs on-premise

In recent years, there has been a growing trend among scientific researchers and institutions to move their scientific workflows to public cloud platforms. This shift has been driven by a number of factors, including the increased availability of cloud computing resources that can be easily scaled up or down as…

Data validation with JSON Schema

JSON Schema is a declarative language that allows annotation and validation of JSON documents. The benefits of JSON Schema are that it can fully describe existing data formats, and it provides clear human and machine-readable documentation. JSON Schema enables the confident and reliable use of the JSON data format. The…

Exploring Nextflow with a small bioinformatics workflow

I recently wrote about workflow management systems in bioinformatics, focusing on Nextflow and Snakemake. In this post, the aim is to compose a small Bioinformatics workflow to start exploring the Nextflow syntax and its features. The Nextflow documentation is extensive and provides many examples that are a helpful start. Nevertheless,…

Workflow management systems in Bioinformatics

Several alternative scientific workflow systems typically referred to as workflow management platforms are used to run data pipelines (e.g. SNP calling and performing ETL). Among the most popular workflow managers are Nextflow and Snakemake. These were conceived in Bioinformatics labs but essentially try to address similar reproducibility and scalability issues…

Paper on new methods to predict 14-3-3-binding sites out!

After many months of hard work, the day is here! Our new paper on methods to predict 14-3-3-binding sites is out in Bioinformatics Journal. This project originated as a collaboration between the Barton Group and the MacKintosh Group on the quest for improving the quality of predictions on 14-3-3-binding sites.…