I am now officially a PhD student in Bioinformatics

Hello folks again! I have just passed successfully my transfer from postgraduate researcher to PhD candidate! So I am now officially a PhD candidate in Bioinformatics. Looking forward to do great work and publish loads of papers in the upcoming months. Stay tuned! …

Moved to Dundee, Scotland

I recently move to Dundee, the 4rd biggest city in Scotland, to do my PhD in Life Sciences at the University of Dundee. So far I am enjoying the views so much! Dundee panorama. Photo by David Martin, 2006. …

Hello Jekyll and Github Pages!

Hello folks! After reading a very nice post about Jekyll and GitHub Pages by Kevin Sornberger, I decided to build a new home using the same approach. This way I can get the fun of it more quickly and I can design later. What will be the scope of this…